Men's Fellowship
The Mens Fellowship Team come together on every wednesday to dwell on God's word. They have involved themselves in various social activities and helped in relief activites too. They actively participate in all the church activities and festivals.
Women's Fellowship
The Womens Fellowship Team consists of a team of dedicated women who gather every friday and discuss on the word of God with our Pastoramma Mrs. Beulah Freeman leading them. They hold a regular fasting prayer. They also participate in social activities by visiting the poor and helping them during Christmas period.
Youth Fellowship
The Youth Fellowship comprises of a pack of young and aspiring youths who gather every sunday after the service and discuss on important daily life aspects related to Gods word. They also conduct the service during Youth Sunday. The Team also participate in Youth Rally and competitions and continue to develop.
Sunday School
The Sunday School engages children every Sunday during the service. They conduct various programs, activities, quiz and other stuffs to enhance their biblical knowledge and understanding of God's word. They conduct talent development sessions age wise and also several competitions to bring out the talents of the children.